
Photograph by © Gulnara Niaz

Aside: a remark not directly related to the main topic of discussion

  • The Hospital(ity) Industry

    A friend reached out to ask if I would talk to her daughter about life in medicine. “She’s thinking of becoming a doctor, and wants to know what she should do to prepare for med school.” My response was to get a job at Disney as a princess. In recent years, there has been a…

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  • The Cult of Healthcare & How It Entraps Physicians

    If the topic of physician burnout were in a board-certification exam, a sample question might look like this: Physician burnout in Family Medicine is highest in Answer: a)  In a study of Family Medicine physicians, 43.7% suffered from burnout. (Other studies have reported a rate as high as 65%). The study found that 65.5% of…

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  • Go Gently

    April has bruised me. While its reputation as the cruelest month may be contested, it knows how to pack a punch. The dance injury I acquired months ago continued to plaque me. I woke up multiple times every night in pain, exhausted but unable to sleep. My schedule intensified. Project deadlines loomed. My father had…

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